I’ve been on a contemporary kick lately. I’ve wanted to read this one for some time, someone on a message board I frequent said they were reading it, so I decided I’d buy it and finally read it, too. The story is so real with a mix of fun drama and a bit of a terrifying storyline.
Considering all Katie had been through, I found her to be a strong, likeable character. Her “lying” about her brother, seemed natural. Who would want to admit their brother was crazy to a bunch of strangers? Will, her brother, was such a terrifying character. I found myself fearful when he’d be in a scene, wondering what he could possibly do next. Most of all I LOVED Mazzie, Katie’s roommate. Her character was so fun and down to earth, it made me wonder just what all she’d been through that she was keeping secret.
I loved the writer’s style. Her portrayal of the characters was simply put, amazing. I’ve already purchased her second book and can’t wait to read it.