-Dr. Mark Miliken, senior researcher at Utopia Laboratories
Who will it be?
Will the head cheerleader get pregnant?
Is the student council president a secret drug addict?
The whole school is freaking out about PROFILE, an experimental program that can predict students’ future behavior.
The only question Daphne wants answered is whether Jesse will ask her out…but he’s a Predicted, and there’s something about his future he’s not telling her.
First of all, the cover for The Predicteds is gorgeous in person. I’m so in love with it. Between it and the synposis, I was instantly grabbed me.
When I originally picked up The Predicteds I expected a dystopian novel, instead it’s more of a contemporary book with a little sci-fi or slight dystopian features thrown in. The world in The Predicteds felt like a not-so-distant future. For the most part everything was just like today, with an exception of this experimential program – PROFILE. The idea behind PROFILE is amazing! Being able to predict potential violent people, it’s great in theory.
While Daphne and Jesse’s potential relationship is a big part of the story, it isn’t the entire thing. The Predicteds is a story about morals, mob mentality, and just how far technology can be taken. It hits on segregation and school bullying. It basically hits on the pros and cons of PROFILE. Honestly, I could easily see both sides of the arguments about PROFILE, so it was very interesting to explore.
I loved the quotes and texts at the beginning of every chapter. They gave hints as to what was to come and kept me inticed. The story was overall very entertaining, but I would’ve liked to see a bit more character development. Especially in regards to Janice, one of the secondary characters. Her history plays a pivotal role in The Predicteds and it’s never really explored.
I really enjoyed The Predicteds and think it would appeal to readers of different genres. If you are in the mood for something futuristic, but not too far off.
I received The Predicteds in exchange for my honest opinion from the publisher.